We are proud to be a dealer for the entire line of superior high performance Verne Schumann oil pumps. The oil pump is responsible for proving oil, the lifeblood of your expensive performance or racing engine. While many people just slap in a stock replacement pump with little thought, that method puts your engines components at a high risk for damage.
The demands placed on an oil pump in a high performance or racing engine are much greater than in a stock production vehicle engine. Installing the best oil pump for your application can insure long life, minimum wear, more consistency, and increased horsepower.
We sell the full range of Schumann high performance oil pumps. These include the Street Master, SSR Street Strip Racing models, Pro Series, Pro Maxx and top of the line Energy Recovery series.
These pumps offer a wide range of performance enhancing features:
NOTE: Included features vary by series. See pump model data for specific features.
Why risk your expensive performance engine to a stock, mass produced, penny pinched OEM oil pump when for a very reasonable amount you can upgrade to a pump that has been inspected, modified and carefully assembled by one of the top racing oil pump manufacturers in the country? Check out the many features of these oil system components and choose the best pump for your application to maximize engine performance and insure reliability.
Click the appropriate link below to view all available Schumann's oil pumps for your engine.